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Why Kamala Harris feels ‘optimistic’ about the future of abortion rights

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Why Kamala Harris feels 'optimistic' about the future of abortion rights
Why Kamala Harris feels 'optimistic' about the future of abortion rights
Refinery29 · Molly Longman
It wasn't hard to see the symbolism in the torrential rains that preceded Vice President Kamala Harris's visit to Indianapolis, IN, on July 25.
Joe Manchin's surprise turnaround on climate change
Joe Manchin's surprise turnaround on climate change · The Science Desk
What made West Virginia's senior senator change his mind about supporting Biden's legislation to protect our environment?
California's crack-of-dawn school ban could set a national trend
California's crack-of-dawn school ban could set a national trend
Axios · Jennifer A. Kingson
School start times are a hot-button political issue that divide communities.
How to actually take a social media break
How to actually take a social media break
VICE Asia · Romano Santos
Say goodbye to endless scrolling (for a bit).
Amid a national tampon shortage, here are some doctor-approved alternatives
Amid a national tampon shortage, here are some doctor-approved alternatives
ABC News · Katie Kindelan
The price of tampons rose by nearly 10% and the price of menstrual pads by more than 8% through May, but there are other options.
Pop culture's problem with middle-aged women
Pop culture's problem with middle-aged women
Catapult · Lisa Whittington-Hill
Women of a certain age are still largely invisible and left out of our narratives — or else, she's a very particular type of middle-aged woman.
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Inside the global gig economy of werewolf erotica
Inside the global gig economy of werewolf erotica · Viola Zhou and Meaghan Tobin
Platforms are hiring gig workers around the world to write steamy romance novels for English-speaking readers.
What's the problem with Netflix retroactively editing 'Stranger Things?'
What's the problem with Netflix retroactively editing 'Stranger Things?' · Jack King
It could be the beginning of a dangerous trend.
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Why don't some people get hangovers?
Well+Good · Alanna Nuñez
Plus, how to get rid of one (is greasy food really a good idea?).
The new tipping etiquette
The new tipping etiquette · Reader's Digest
How much to give everyone from your hotel housekeeper to your hairdresser, plus the rules on tipping around the world.
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