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When is Basant Panchami, Magha Purnima and Vijay Ekadashi in February, know date and date

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Hindustan News Hub
When is Basant Panchami, Magha Purnima and Vijay Ekadashi in February, know date and date
Feb 2nd 2022, 09:29, by Hindustan News Hub

February 2022 Hindu Calendar : The month of February has started. This month is special from religious point of view. Many important festivals and fasts are falling in this month.

Basant Panchami, Saraswati Puja – February 5, 2022
The festival of Basant Panchami is an important festival of the month of February. It is celebrated on the fifth day of Shukla Paksha of Magha month. According to the Hindu calendar, the festival of Basant Panchami will be celebrated on 5 February 2022. On this day, special worship of Goddess Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge, is done.

Jaya Ekadashi – 12 February 2022
Ekadashi fasting is considered to be the best among all the fasts. Ekadashi of Shukla Paksha of Magha month is called Jaya Ekadashi. Lord Vishnu is worshiped on this day. Keeping fast on this day brings happiness and prosperity in life.

Pradosh Vrat (Shukla) – 13 February 2022
Pradosh Vrat is dedicated to Lord Shiva. It is believed that worshiping Goddess Parvati along with Lord Shiva on this day fulfills all the wishes. The problems in life are overcome.

Kumbh Sankranti – 13 February 2022
At present, Sun is sitting in Capricorn. When the Sun enters from one zodiac to another, it is called Sankranti. According to the Panchang, on February 13, the Sun will leave Capricorn and will transit in Aquarius. This Sankranti is considered religiously important. Special importance of bathing and charity has been told on this day.

Magha Purnima Vrat – 16 February 2022
Magha Purnima is going to fall on February 16, 2022. The full moon date of Shukla Paksha of Magha month is called Maghi Purnima or Magha Purnima. It is believed that on this day the gods come to the earth. is called. Special importance of bathing and charity has been told on this day.

Sankashti Chaturthi – 20 February 2022
The festival of Sankashti Chaturthi will be celebrated on the Chaturthi date of Krishna Paksha of Falgun month. On this day special worship of Lord Ganesha is done. On this day there will be Hasta Nakshatra and Moon will be sitting in Virgo.

Vijaya Ekadashi – 27 February 2022
The Ekadashi date of Krishna Paksha of Falgun month is called Vijaya Ekadashi. A fast is kept on this day. The fast of Vijaya Ekadashi is dedicated to Lord Vishnu.

Pradosh Vrat (Krishna) – 28 February 2022
Pradosh Vrat is observed on the date of Trayodashi. Pradosh Vrat is the favorite fast of Shiva devotees. Special worship of Lord Bholenath, Mata Parvati is done on this day. The special importance of worshiping Lord Shiva has been told in the month of Falgun.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is based on assumptions and information only. It is important to mention here that does not endorse any kind of belief, information. Before applying any information or assumption, consult the concerned expert.

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