New Delhi. Delhi Police e-FIR app Launched: Delhi Police has launched the e-FIR app for the convenience of the people, where you will be able to register complaints of 'theft in the house' and 'dacoity' instantly. This will help the police to solve such cases quickly. Regarding the e-FIR app, Delhi Police Commissioner Rakesh Asthana says that by immediately registering the complaint of theft anywhere in Delhi online through web facilities, the investigating officers will help in solving the case immediately. By doing this, the cases pending in police stations and courts will also be reduced.
People can register their FIR on Delhi Police e-FIR app. At the same time, without going to the police station, they can also get the copy of the FIR immediately. Regarding the e-FIR app, Delhi Crime Branch's Special Commissioner Devesh Chandra Srivastava said, 'With the help of free registration and quick investigation and documentation here, people's life will also become simple and they will get complaints like theft and robbery here. No need to run there.
In the Delhi Police e-FIR app, you will be able to file a complaint from anywhere:
Delhi Police's e-FIR app will make the process of filing a complaint easy, as it can be lodged at any time from anywhere without having to go to any police station.
It has been told by the Delhi Police that once the complaint is registered on the app, an FIR will be registered at the e-police station set up under the Crime Branch. Which will have jurisdiction over all areas of Delhi. Also, a copy of the digitally signed FIR will be sent to the email-id of the complainant, SHO of the area, senior officers, designated court.
The app will also guide the concerned investigating officers to complete the investigation and documentation. Along with this, the Management Information System (MIS) will also explain the analysis and necessary steps taken by the police during the investigation. According to a senior police officer, users can also access this application on the official website of Delhi Police You will be able to see your application under the Citizen Services tab.
Delhi Police e-FIR Portal: How will it work?
- The user who is using this app for the first time will first have to register himself with the help of an active mobile number and mail id. Once the details are submitted, a one-time-password (OTP) will be sent to the users' mobile and email respectively.
- Let us tell you one important thing here that not only will the mobile number and mail id of the public be registered on this app, but also with the Investigating Officers (IO) to log-in to the folder carrying the module of the FIR(s). There will also be a User-ID along with the Password (OTP). The assigned IO will receive a system-generated OTP every time it accesses each FIR folder.
- The IO assigned for investigation will contact the complainant within 24 hours and sign the printout copy of the FIR. After this he will take stock of the crime spot.
Will call DMCT or other forensic assistance if necessary. After the IO's visit, the SHO and other senior officials will be informed for further investigation. Site plan will be prepared. The statements of the complainant and the witness will be recorded and evidence will be collected. Once all this is done, the authorities will investigate and try to identify the culprit and trace the stolen property. The IO will also be responsible for updating the complainant about the progress report of the investigation from time to time.